Miller Analytical Services
Since 1994, Miller Analytical Services has been a manufacturer and distributor of laboratory equipment and supplies. Our suppliers include Whatman, Environmental Express, Scientific Specialties Products, LaMotte, and ICM.
Our product line includes:
>TCLP Equipment & Supplies
>Portable and Benchtop Colorimeters, Turbidimeters, pH Meters, ISE Meters & Probes, Conductivity Meters, TDS Meters, Dissolved Oxygen Meters, and more!
>Portable Water/Wastewater Test Kits.
>Portable Air Quality Test Kits.
>Filtration Supplies.
>Bottles, Jars, Vials, Autosampler Supplies, Etc.
>And More!
Please click the appropriate link or call toll-free for more information.
Our main product line emphasizes reagents and equipment required for the TCLP (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure, EPA SW-846 Method 1311). |
Contact us Toll-Free at (877) 264-2288
Fax at (215) 781-9993
Mail: 3158 Fairway Ave., Bristol, PA 19007 USA
FREE OFFER with your first order! Click the “MAS2” link below!
For International inquiries, please contact us by e-mail or fax us at 001-215-781-9993. We will reply as quickly as possible. Please note that certain products may not be exported.