Ready-Mix kit contains all necessary reagents (excluding the template and primers) for efficient, optimized, specific and sensitive end-point PCR reaction. The PCR product can immediately be analyzed by an Agarose-gel electrophoresis and also could be purified by using PCR purification kit.
Bio-ReadyMix Start (hot start) kit contains Hot-Start Taq polymerase to enable more specificity, accuracy and sensitivity of PCR reaction.
Product Specification
Tests Kit
Rapid H&E stain kit
Packaging Size
Minimum Order Quantity
1 Piece
Product Description
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2× reaction mix with Hot-Start Taq DNA polymerase for conventional PCR, contains dyes for analysis of PCR products by gel electrophoresis
Hot-start PCR
High-throughput PCR
Conventional PCR with high reproducibility
Generation of PCR products for TA cloning
RT-PCR (two-step method)
Basic description
BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color (2×) kit contains 2× BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color reaction mix, 50 mM MgCl2 and sterile water. BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color (2×) reaction mix has been developed for \ PCR analysis of a large number of samples. BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color (2×) reaction mix includes all of the components (except for DNA template and primers) necessary to carry out PCR: highly processive recombinant HS-Taq DNA polymerase, deoxynucleoside triphosphate mixture, 2× PCR buffer, Mg2+ and marker dyes.
Bio-ReadyMix (colored), 2x, Nuclease-free water
The mix is optimized for efficient and reproducible hot-start PCR. The master mix is supplemented with additives that increase the half-life and processivity of HS-Taq DNA polymerase by enhancing its stability during PCR. BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color (2×) reaction mix is chemically stable, inert and does not interfere with optimal annealing temperature or the parameters of template melting. The presented DNA polymerase is inactive at room temperature; preheating of reaction solution at 95 °C for 5 min is required for enzyme activation. Additional solution of MgCl2 allows easy optimization for each individual primer/template system. Use of the kit saves time and minimizes contamination risk due to reduced number of pipetting steps. The included dyes and increased density of the solution allow loading the reaction mix directly on gel for electrophoresis.
The 96-well Plasmid Kit is designed for rapid high throughput isolation of plasmid or cosmid DNA from 1- 2 ml of bacterial cultures. All components and reagents are provided for a complete solution. In the process, the modified alkaline lysis method and RNase A treatment are used to obtain cleared cell lysate with minimal genomic DNA and RNA contaminants. In the presence of a chaotropic salt, the plasmid DNA in the lysate binds to glass fiber matrix in the Plasmid Binding Plate. The contaminants are washed off with an ethanol-based wash buffer and finally, the purified plasmid DNA is eluted by low salt elution buffer or water. The protocol does not require DNA phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation. Typical yields are 5-10 μg for high-copy number plasmid and 0.5-5μg for low-copy number plasmids. The entire procedure can be completed within 60 minutes and the purified plasmid DNA is ready for restiction digestion, ligation, PCR, and sequencing reaction.